Keyword | Navigation Links |
Activities | The Activities page describes the many chapter activities throughout the year. This page includes links to several photo albums. |
About Us | The About Us page describes basic Chapter information like our mission statement and members of the Steering Committee. |
Address | The Contact Us page has our mailing address, phone number, list of phone friends, and e-mail links. |
Angel | 1. The Angel Statue in Rose Park sits in the middle of the floral garden maintained by our chapter members. 2. The Angel of Lost Children story is one of the links on the Reading Room page. |
Archive | The newsletter Archives page has all newsletters back to January 2005. There are some gaps in publication in 2017, and the December 2019/January 2020 issue was the last newsletter published by Lorie Haacke before Nadine Boyd resumed publication in September 2022. |
Arlene | Arlene Priest has served for over 30 years. As the driving force behind creating the Billings chapter, she is our very special compassionate friend. |
Balloon Launch | 1. Each July, we replace the monthly meeting with a Picnic and Balloon Launch in Rose Park. 2. The Activities page has a Photo Album from past events. |
Books | 1. There are over 300 items in the Billings TCF Library. Contact the Steering Committee at (406) 850-1558 for delivery at the next monthly meeting. 2. There is a search feature on the Reading Room page to search the Billings chapter library by Author, Title, or Both. 3. The National Organization Book List has many recommended books with links to sites such as for purchase. |
Brick Walkways | 1. Memorial bricks for our loved ones are placed in the Gift of Life Brick Walkways at our floral garden in Rose Park. Order forms for memorial bricks are available from the Brick Walkways page or the Catalog page. 2. The Search link on the Brick Walkways page opens a page where you can search for the location of the memorial bricks by your loved one's name. 3. The search page includes a link to brick walkway maps showing the brick locations. |
Butterflies | 1. The Why Butterflies? section of the About Us page answers this question. 2. Many of the butterfly icons on these pages are links to undocumented pages sometimes known as Easter Eggs. Most these are pages feature music or video clips. 3. One of those undocument pages is an album of butterfly photographs linked from the animated blue butterfly at the bottom of the About Us page. |
Calendar | 1. The Calendar of Events shows all the events for the current calendar year. 2. The Monthly Meeting Location button on the Calendar page links to the location of the Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd. |
Calendar Art | Images from 11 folk art calendars are still available from an earlier version of this web site. |
Candle Lighting | The Worldwide Candle Lighting® is held on the second Sunday at 7pm around the globe. We meet at 6:45pm in Rose Park (weather permitting). |
Catalog | The Order Forms (Catalog) page is lists items that may be purchased from the chapter. There are order forms for clothing items, wrist bands, and memorial bricks for our Gift of Life Brick Walkway. |
Chapter Locator | The National Organization's Chapter Meeting Locator let's you find other TCF chapters. |
Children | A wonderful way to celebrate the memory of your child is to share pictures at our monthly meetings. Here is a list of memorial photo albums of loved ones shared by chapter members. |
Contact Us | The Contact Us page lists our chapter mailing address & phone number, phone friends, and e-mail links. |
Coping | Several articles on Coping with Grief and Loss from several health sources are available from the Reading Room page. |
Credo | 1. The Compassionate Friends Credo is shown on the About Us page. 2. The Siblings Walking Together (Formerly The Sibling Credo) is shown on the About Us page. 3. Grandparents' Rememberance (The Grandparents' Credo) is on the About Us page. |
Dedications | 1. Each August, we have a dedication ceremony in
Rose Park for the placement of the memorial bricks purchased during the last year. 2. The activities page has a Photo Album link to past dedications at the Gift of Life Brick Walkway. 3. The newsletter page has a search feature to locate newsletters that have dedications to your loved one. |
Donations | We gratefully accept donations to the Rose Park Sanctuary Fund to help us maintain our sanctuary in Rose Park and Love Gifts in memory of our loved ones. |
The Facebook icon on the Home page links to the Facebook site for the Montana Chapter of The Compassionate Friends. It is maintained separate from this site. | |
FAQ | The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) link on the Home page connects to a page of that same name at the National Organization web site. |
Floral Garden | 1. Each May, chapter members meet in Rose Park to plant our Floral Garden. 2. The Activities page has a Photo Album link showing past plantings of the floral garden. |
Holiday Memorial | 1. The December monthly meeting is replaced by the Holiday Memorial Service at the American Lutheran Church, 5 Lewis Avenue. 2, There is a Photo Album link of past memorial service events on the activiies page. |
Links | 1. The Links page has several links to the National TCF Organization and other national sites that provide grief support. 2, It also has a link to other Support Groups in the Billings Area. |
Magazines | The We Need Not Walk Alone link on the Reading Room page opens a list of quarterly magazines published by the National Organization. |
Maps | 1. Brick walkway maps are updated just prior to the dedication ceremony each August. 2. A link to the monthly meeting location inside at the Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd is found on the calendar page. |
Mother's Day | Each May, the we have a Mother's Day Luncheon to celebrate being your child's very special mom. |
Music | Often music can provide healing for those grieving loss. Our Music List may have just the right song for you. |
National Conference | The National Organization has information on how the National Conference has been changed back to a normal conference. |
National Organization | The National Organization links on the Home, Link and Reading Room pages connect to features on their web site. | Newsletter | 1. Publication of chapter Newsletters published by Lorie Haacke ended with the January 2020 issue. Nadine Boyd restarted publiction of the chapter newsletter in September 2022. 2. The Archives button provides access to all newsletters back to January 2005. 3. The Search feature lets you search for and open all newsletters that have a dedication to your loved one. |
One-Liners | These One-Liners are little bits of wit and wisdom collected over the years from a graphic artist who went by the handle "Mustang5." |
Order Forms | The Order Forms page is our small catalog of Compassionate Friends items that may be purchased from the chapter. |
Phone Friends | Several chapter members serve as Phone Friends providing grief support and comfort to others. | Picnic | 1. Each July, we replace the monthly meeting with a Picnic and Balloon Launch in Rose Park. 2. The Activities page has a Photo Album from past picnic events. |
Poetry | These are several poems from chapter newsletters and other sources. Most were written by members of Compassionate Friends chapters. |
Ponderings | A collection of Ponderings Along the Path columns by Nadine Boyd. These columns were extracted from the chapter newsletters from 2011 to present. |
Providing Support | A collection of Providing Support to Others articles from various sources are available from the Reading Room page. |
Quotations | A collection of quotations relevant to the mission of The Compassionate Friends. |
Reading Room | The Reading Room page has links to many things that may provide some comfort to bereaved family members. Some are local pages, and some are links to other sites. |
Rose Park | Our sanctuary in Rose Park is located in the Sculpture Garden. It is composed of the angel statue, floral garden and brick walkway. |
Search | 1. The Brick Walkway page has a search link to find the location of the memorial bricks by your loved one's name. 2. The Reading Room page has a search feature to search the Billings chapter library by Author, Title, or Both. 3. The Newsletter page has a search feature to locate newsletters that have dedications to your loved one. |
Sniglets | A "Sniglet" is a word that should be in the dictionary, but isn't. Sniglets were coined by Rich Hall on an old TV show called Not Necessarily the News. |
Steering Committee | Our chapter is lead and managed by members of the Steering Committee shown on the About Us page. |
Stories | 1. These personal stories were contributed by members of Compassionate Friends chapters. 2. The Angel of Lost Children story was originally published in the January 2000 edition of The Readers Digest. |
Support | 1. The Support Groups in Our Community link on the Links page provides information about other groups in the Billings area. 2. The Links page also has several links to other national organizations that provide grief support. 3. A collection of Providing Support to Others articles from various sources are available from the Reading Room page. |
Tabs | 1. A link to another web site like the National Organization, is opened in a new tab. The page doing the linking is still open. Close the tab to return to this page. 2. Links to single pages open in the current tab. Use your browser's back control to return to the current page. |
Thought for Today | The Thought for Today page displays a "food for thought" image created by a graphic artist who "signs" the work with "©DW" on a feather somewhere in image. |
Videos | The National Organization YouTube Video Channel has many interesting and important videos from public service announcements to national conference programs to webinars. |