Planting of the Floral Garden in Rose Park

Saturday, May 20st at 9:00 AM at Rose Park.

The planting of the floral garden really marks the beginning of spring!  Won't you help us plant the floral garden this year?  It can be a wonderful "dirt therapy" session with friends who understand your frustrations or your celebrations as our beautiful butterfly takes shape.  Bring your own gloves, gardening tools, and knee pads.  The more volunteers —the less time it takes to plant.

Volunteers for the "Weeders" club will also be needed throughout the Summer.  We have a schedule to make it easier.  Please contact a Steering Committee member if you can help.

A weekly weeding schedule will be printed each month in the newsletter to remind everyone when it's their turn.  We're very proud of our floral garden & so very grateful for everyone's participation.

We encourage everyone to visit the floral garden throughout the summer and pick the spent flowers.