Ponderings Along the Path for February 2017
by Nadine Boyd

There will be some duplicates of these columns from our chapter newsletters.  For example, when a newsletter spans 2 months, both months will share the same text.  Occasionally, an article for a given month in one year may be duplicated on or near that same month in a different year.


Dear Compassionate Friends:

Did you know angels wear Carhartts? So often those of us who have loved ones gone ahead before us to Heaven look for signs they are still "with us." Some grieving people find pennies in odd places, some of us see beautiful butterflies when we are thinking about our loved one, and other "not so coincidental" physical signs. My son loved rabbits, and greatly enjoyed getting out in the sunshine along the bank of the Mississippi River when he was in the hospital in Minneapolis watching the rabbits play, something he was not physically able to do often.

After he died I would often find "physical" evidence a rabbit had been hanging out around his gravesite. It brought me comfort to bring carrots for the rabbit—I felt it would make Aaron happy too to have his own long-eared guardian angel.

So back to the story about angels in Carhartts—all the melting snow & freezing rain has made driving and especially walking so very treacherous! Several people I work with have fallen, making me even more fearful of falling with my recent "new knee." One morning walking into work (very slowly and carefully) an older gentleman walked up behind me, tucked my arm in his and said "let me help you get into the building!" I was very appreciative of his help and thanked him profusely. When I got into my office I remarked "did you know my guardian angel has white hair, is kind of chubby and wears Carhartts?" My co-workers chuckled but I really felt it true that an angel showed up when I needed him.

I have been despairing that we were unable to clear our sidewalks at home, because when the city plowed the street they piled up all that heavy, hard snow onto the sidewalk and even with the snowblower we couldn't clear it. I worried we would get a citation from the city. Sure enough, we got a "warning" in the mail on Friday from the city.

Yesterday (Saturday morning) my husband said a man (dressed in Carhartts, of course) knocked on the door and offered to clear our sidewalks & driveway. He said he is a mason, but has no work right now because of the weather. He had to work very hard to clear the walks, because the snow was packed so hard and he had to chip it free. My husband was so grateful he paid him double the man had quoted (a very low fee).

I wondered at the coincidence of his arrival and who he was. My husband said he must have been on foot because he didn't see a vehicle or company truck and the man (angel?) had his own shovel. I have my own theory of his arrival!

During this month of February when we celebrate Valentine's Day and love, keep your mind open to "heavenly" signs and "coincidences" our loved ones are still with us in spirit; and how that is manifested in physical signs. Remember our love for our children and their love for us has no physical boundaries—death is temporary, but love is eternal.

I wish you comfort in the gift of love and healing in the gift of "heavenly" signs; heavenly signs and coincidences we cannot explain.

In friendship,