Ponderings Along the Path for February 2013
by Nadine Boyd

There will be some duplicates of these columns from our chapter newsletters.  For example, when a newsletter spans 2 months, both months will share the same text.  Occasionally, an article for a given month in one year may be duplicated on or near that same month in a different year.


Dear Compassionate Friends:

February and Valentine's Day are traditionally those times we make a special effort to let those dear to us know how much they mean to us, although we should do it year round. Grieving families know how our lives can be turned upside down in an instant, and so many of us wish we could have just one more hug from our child, and tell them just one more time how much we love them. Too quickly they were gone, and we are left to survive as best we can with empty arms and aching hearts.

We miss those funny valentines with crooked letters and misspelled words and those beautiful bouquets of dandelions from our dear children. No frilly, romantic valentines or bouquets of a dozen roses can compete with those precious gifts of love from our little ones.

I heard a minister speak once of how our loves ones gone before us are like the stars. Some of the starlight we see is from stars that have "died" or burnt up thousands of years ago, but their light continues on to the earth, giving us light and inspiring us with their beauty. So too, the light and joy our loved one, even gone from this earth, continue on to give us light and shine on in our hearts. Those loving memories live on; "shining on" in our hearts and minds for many years after that person is gone. As long as we live and love, and share those memories our "stars" remain with us.

This month as we share valentines with those dear to us, remember your "heartlight" gone on before you; but never forgotten. Their light and love will shine through us as long as we remember, far longer than the tattered, faded valentines we hold on to from the past.

Love knows no puny boundaries like death; love endures forever. Let your love and light from your "star" give you strength and courage to let go of old hurts, resolve differences and let the healing begin.

I wish you comfort and healing in the beauty of the love and light from your "star."

In friendship,