GAS:  Generate A Sentence

Create up to a whole web page of text from plain text patterns.  If there is anything worth saving, you can then copy and paste it into your local file or document.  GAS never messes with your local computer.  Simply cut and paste the plain text script to and from your favorite text editor.

GAS is a line-oriented interpreter.  So, it processes each line separately, and there is no limit to the line length.  That's why this simple text editing control is set to scroll horizontally whenever the text reaches the edge.

The generated text will be shown in a separate tab.  Close that tab to return to here.

Sample GAS Scripts

Reference Guides
Basic Sentence Structure
Alternate Sentence Structure
Action Statements for Job Descriptions
Book and Research Paper Titles

Special Characters & Punctuation
Define Variables ($) with GAS Functions
Formatting with Switch Variables (#)
Using Inline Functions (&)
Making Tables with Switch Variables
Alphabetical List of Subject Areas
Style Commands (!)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The first 4 guides include the subject
areas for the various letters.