Style Commands

These commands control the style of the generated page.  All commands begin with an explanaton mark (!) in column 1.

Command names are NOT case sensitive, and may be abbreviated to one or two letters, i.e, !F for Font, !ti for !Title, !ta for !Table.

With the exception of the title text and actual file names, parameters are not case sensitive.

!Titlesome textThis text replaces the words Generated Text in the browser tab when the generated page is displayed.

Example: !Title Final Report
!Fontfont codeGas uses the first letter of this code as follows:
 A = Arial, T = Times New Roman, B = Brush Script, C = Courier New (the default)

Example !Font Times
!Sizefont sizeThis number replaces the default size of 12 point type.

Example: !Size 16
!Colorcolor name
or #code
You can use any recognized HTML color name or #color code to override the default background Cornsilk color.
A Color Chart is available for reference.
Words & codes:  White (#FFFFFF), Linen (#FAF0E6), LightCyan (#E0FFFF), LightYellow (#FFFFF0), etc.

Example: !Color Gainsboro  (This is the background color for this Reference Guide.)
!Background texture code
or filename
Background texture overrides the color code.  The parameter may be an actual file name or one of the following
texture codes:  B=Bark, C=Cloth, H=Heavy Paper, L=Light Blue, N=Newspaper, P=Parchment

Examples: !Background Cloth   !Background MyFavorite.jpg
!BordernumberThis adds a raised border around the generated page.  The optional number replaces the default of 7 pixels.

Examples: !Border 8  !Border (Uses default of 7)
!Ncols number This number overrides the default of 1 to create a multicolumn output.  Text will flow from column to column without you having to identify column breaks.  As a general rule, shorter lines (like in a newspaper) are easier to read than lines the width of the page.

Example: !Ncols 3
!Width number
This number sets the width of the text to a percent of the browser's window.  This is an alternative to a multicolumn display to keep the lines shorter for better readability.

Example: !Width 50  (All text will be displayed on the left half of the browser window.)
!Tcolor color name
or #code
This number overrides the default of Cornsilk as the background color inside a table.  You can use any recognized HTML color name or #color code to override the default table background color Cornsilk.
A Color Chart is available for reference.

Example: !Table Linen
!Tborder number This number sets the width of the table border.  This overrides the default of 1 pixel.  Use 0 (zero) for no border.

Example: !Tborder 0
!Twidth number
This number sets the width of the table to a percent of the browser's window or a percent of the !width portion of the browser's window.  For example, if the !width is 90, and !Twidth is 90, then the table width will be 90% of the 90%--making it look indented and narrower than text that flows all the way to !width.