by Donna Dragoo, TCF, Norman, OK
I have no magic words for you
and none for me as well.
On the day I buried my child,
there were no words to tell.
Now we have come to bury yours
and I feel your desolate pain.
How sad it is to know the sun
will never shine the same.
This is a long hard road, my friend,
the unendurable which we endure.
You ask me for magic words to help,
I’ve no magic—yet I'm sure.
There must be a peace that so slowly comes
you scarcely know when it arrives.
The peace of knowing our children
will always be part of our lives.
I'm told "it does get better"
it has to—someday it must.
Others farther down the road have told me so,
and it's the peace in their eyes I trust.