Little Boy Left Behind
by Sarah A. Kunz for her brother, John Paul Greni
TCF, Billings, MT
Oh, Little Boy Left Behind,
Where did you go,
When you could no longer play?
How did things end for you
At the close of the day…
Oh, Little Boy Left Behind,
What did you want to say,
When no one would listen
And everyone walked away…
No words were spoken
At the close of the day…
Oh, Little Boy Left Behind,
Why did your smile leave you so soon,
Taking all your laughter away…
All you had were tears
At the end of the day…
Oh, Little Boy Left Behind,
Why, Oh, Why,
Were you taken away?
Oh, Little Boy Left Behind,
Why did you turn away,
When things didn't go your way
Why didn't you stay?
Oh, Little Boy Left Behind,
Where are you now
On this lonely day?
Did you now find your way?
Oh, Little Boy Left Behind,
How do you fare,
Since you've gone Up There?
Have you learned to fly
With your new Wings?
Can you hear the Angels sing?
Oh, Little Boy Left Behind,
Did you not know,